Henry Makow: Pornography as Political and Spiritual Subversion

We cannot underestimate the effect PLAYBOY had. Confined to marriage, sexual intercourse was a sacrament that celebrated a loving bond. Now it is just a bodily function. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession. Hugh Hefner was probably a crypto-Jew. Most of the editors were Jews. The PLAYBOY philosophy was the liberal agenda (Communism): …

Yoda: Australian Archbishop Says Pedophilia (Sodomy of a Child) is “A Spiritual Encounter with God”

Catholic Archbishop Says Pedophilia Is ‘Spiritual Encounter With God’ Archbishop Hart . . . insisted that sexual abuse was “a spiritual encounter with God through the priest” and was “of a higher order” than criminal law. As the law currently stands, clergy are not legally obliged to report crimes to the police and disciplinary proceedings for …