Tom Atlee: Vibrant, effective responses to disaster? YES! say two remarkable women…

Vibrant, effective responses to disaster? As powerful economic, ecological, and social imbalances work themselves out in and around our lives, we face some pretty hard times – some of us already, some of us more than others, most of us increasingly. Each of us hopes we can ameliorate the impacts on ourselves, our communities and …

Michel Bauwens: The Emerging Fourth Sector

Richly deserving of careful attention. The Emerging Fourth Sector The Three Traditional Sectors Businesses create and distribute goods and services that enhance our quality of life, promote growth, and generate prosperity. They spur innovation, reward entrepreneurial effort, provide a return on investment and constantly improve their performance responding to market feedbacks. They draw on the …

Venessa Miemis: Awareness Design – The Most Powerful Field for Our Future?

Awareness Design: The Most Powerful Field for Our Future? OK, OK, I don’t really subscribe to anything being “the most” of something… the headline was just a bit of sensationalism to capture your attention. 😉 *gently slaps self on wrist* However, now that you’re here, I want to make a case for a new field of …

Top Atlee: Final Words from Ernest Callenbach the Author of Ecotopia & Ecotopia Emerging

Dear friends, Ernest Callenbach’s ECOTOPIA and its prequel ECOTOPIA EMERGING were major books in my developing thinking about how a sustainable society might evolve.  ECOTOPIA, the more famous of the two, provides Callenbach’s overall vision of what might be possible.  ECOTOPIA EMERGING – with far better characterization and more compelling plot – tells the story …