Mongoose: No Labels Hits Bottom

Jon Huntsman and Joe Lieberman hit bottom. No Labels’ Brilliant 2016 Plan: Make The Candidates Sign A Pledge! The most ridiculous organization in American politics strikes again. Where’s the vision? As long as we’re making empty promises to which no one can really be held accountable, let’s show some ambition.

Jean Lievens: The Linux Approach to Human and Eco-System Well Being

The Linux Approach to Human and Eco-System Well Being Democracies are in dire need of an upgrade to deal with social complexity Current versions of democracy are a bit like the DOS operating system in the 1980s. In the best cases, they may hold the promise of a more user-friendly Windows beaconing on the horizon. …

Berto Jongman: IMF – Debt Crisis Looms

$3 trillion corporate credit crunch looms as debtors face day of reckoning, says IMF A poisonous “triad” of global risks is pushing the world to the brink of a new financial crisis, says stark IMF report “Three percent of global output is at stake”.

Berto Jongman: Is Climate Change Australia’s Greatest National Security Issue?

Why climate change is Australia’s greatest national security issue They were given 13 threats or potential threats to consider: adverse global trends and challenges to the international system; terrorism and piracy; instability and failed or failing states; poverty, inequality, and poor governance; serious and organised crime; WMD proliferation; climate change; civil emergencies, including natural disasters …

Yoda: Worth a Look – The Law of One (extraterrestrial Communications, 5 Volumes)

The Law of One Probably the most difficult thing to understand about Ra is its nature. Ra is a sixth-density social memory complex. Since Earth is near the end of the third-density cycle of evolution, this means that Ra is three evolutionary cycles ahead of us. In other words, Ra’s present state of evolution is …