Marcus Aurelius: The Essential Federalist Papers Free Online Book with Links

A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. The Essential Federalist Papers The Best Commentary Ever Written About the Principles of Government Edited by Steve Straub PDF (266 Pages): (U) Essential-Federalist-Papers   Abuse of power …………………………………………………………………………… 6 Altering the Constitution …………………………………………………………….. 7 Appointment of officers …

Steve Aftergood: Orgs ask DNI to Preserve Access to World News Connection — Comment on OSC in AF by Robert Steele

ORGS ASK DNI TO PRESERVE ACCESS TO WORLD NEWS CONNECTION More than a dozen professional societies and public interest groups wrote to the Director of National Intelligence last week to ask him to preserve public access to foreign news reports gathered, translated and published by the Open Source Center and marketed to subscribers through the …

DNI Directive on Supply Chain Risk Management

DNI Directive on Supply Chain Risk Management Because the Intelligence Community utilizes commercial products including those that may be manufactured abroad, it could be vulnerable to threat or compromise through its supply chain.  Intelligence Community Directive 731 issued by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on December 7 establishes IC policy on “Supply Chain Risk …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Conflict of Two Judaisms — Judaism of Love and Judaism of Conquest

A Jewish State Would Not Be Oppressive or Racist Toward the Powerless, the Immigrants, the Homeless, The Other–an essay by Uri Avnery Editor’s Note: Uri Avnery, a committed atheist, and chair of Israel’s peace movement Gush Shalom,  recognizes that the real problem in Israel today is not that it is a Jewish state, but that it …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

CYBER: Cyber’s Most Wanted DEFENSE: Iranian Mass Production of Coastal Submarines OPEN: interview With FBI Profiler of Psychopaths, Mary Ellen O’Toole OPEN: Italy Rise of Pitchfork Populists (USA Next?) OPEN: Lies About Singularity OPEN:  Missing Links: Access to Papers’ Raw Data Plummets by 17% Each Year OPEN: NSA Mismanagement, NSA Retaliation Against Whistleblowers (Kirb Wiebe) …