Search: UN intelligence peace intelligence

UN Intelligence Books use: Truth & Reconciliation (52) United Nations & NGOs (38) Books: INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability 2008 COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace Review: Corruption and Anti-Corruption–An Applied Philosophical Approach Review: A More Secure World–Our Shared Responsibility–Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change …

The Mexico + American Narcosphere (Calling Carlos “Slim” Helu)

Excellent May 31, 2010 New Yorker article by William Finnegan called Letter from Mexico, Silver or Lead which is unfortunately only available by subscription only (click here for link to abstract also pasted below) The most telling two words of the article = “state capture.” ABSTRACT: LETTER FROM MEXICO about La Familia Michoacana and the …

Search: the emerging worldwide university (to be finished later)

This is a very important search that failed to yield a proper automated response.  Here is the human-in-the-loop answer. Search terms on this site: World Brain, Global Brain, Collective Intelligence, World University, M4IS2 Journal: Taming Twitter–Emergence of Baby World Brain? Journal: GPS Finally Fully Integrated in Voice Comms Journal: Google, the Cloud, Microsoft, & World …