Stephen E. Arnold: Languages Supported by Google Translate Increase — But Not Farsi, Dari, or Pashto

Languages Supported by Google Translate Increase The article on eweek titled Google Translate Adds Support for More World Languages announces Google’s addition of nine languages to its service, making the total number 80 languages. These included several African languages spoken in Nigeria, Somalia and South Africa. There are motions in progress to add Mongolian, Nepali, …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

CYBER: 2014 Top Cyber Security Threats CYBER: Increasing Anti-Surveillance Momentum and the Necessary and Proportionate Principles (EFF) CYBER: Russia Internet Extremism Bill CYBER: Trojan.Skimer.18 Infects ATMs CYBER: World’s Biggest Data Breaches Visualized OPEN: Iranian Nuclear Deal OPEN: US, India, & Gulf (Cordesman) OPEN: US & UK Close Relations with Gaddafi Intel THREAT: CAR Humanitarian Crisis …

Welcome to the Memory Hole – Don’t Kill the Leaker, Just Make Their Leaked Information “Invisible”

Don’t kill the Leaker, Kill the Leaker’s Information The particularly nasty end of the spear of IC clandestine services, the part that kills people, may be out of a big part of their job thanks to technology, in the light of the terrifying but deeply interesting article by Peter Van Buren. They don’t don’t have …

Paul Craig Roberts: Call for Germany to Leave the EU and NATO – Confront US Over Perpetual Unwarranted War

The U.S. Drives the World Toward War Washington has had the US at war for 12 years: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and almost Syria, which could still happen, with Iran waiting in the wings. These wars have been expensive in terms of money, prestige, and deaths and injuries of both US soldiers and …

Jean Lievens: Chris Skinner on Role of Banks in Social Capitalism

What role for banks in a sharing economy of social capitalism? Chris Skinner I was struck yesterday, as I presented my themes around Digital Bank at a conference, that there’s one area I’ve discussed for a long time, but not blogged about much in-depth. That is the collision of community with commerce via the sharing …