Antechinus: 9/11 Insider Trading — Multiple Independent Reports

9/11 – The Evidence For Insider Trading After 9/11, there were indications that traders with inside information had benefited financially from the terrorist attacks. The list was long and included traders in the US, Germany, Japan, France Luxembourg, the UK, Switzerland, Spain, and even Hong Kong. Ernst Welteke, President of the German Deutsche Bundesbank, told …

Ron Paul: War on Terror Has Increased Terrorism by 900%

The War on Terror is Creating 900% More Terror (RPI) The interventionists will do anything to prevent Americans from seeing that their foreign policies are perpetuating terrorism and inspiring others to seek to harm us. The neocons know that when it is understood that blowback is real – that people seek to attack us not because …

Owl: 9/11 Disclosures – Throwing the Saudis Under the Bus to Protect Israel and the Neo-Cons

9-11 organization in a nut-shell: Israelis: did all the planning with neocon and Zionist collaborators in NYC & DC; selected and managed Arab patsies, over-all technical preparations; Saudis: bankrolled the operation after Dick Cheney signed off on 9/11 and asked them to do so; American rogue military elements, including contract personnel: provided technology and expertise …

Owl: Explaining Trump — John Robb Plus UPDATE Evaluating Trump More Links

Donald Trump, Open Source Insurgent and Ball Buster of Oligarch Politicians So much has been written about Trump’s primary election campaign, the “Trump Phenomenon.” I have read in the last few months hundreds of articles trying to explain it, but so far nothing rivals the three articles listed below for deep insight and explanatory power. …

Nafeez Ahmed: Terror, climate chaos, financial crisis are the costs of ‘doing business’

Terror, climate chaos, financial crisis are the costs of ‘doing business’ The techno-narcissism of predatory neoliberal capitalism is locked into an endless war with the bastard monster of its own creation – Islamic State. Fifteen years into the 21st century, humanity has made little progress in addressing major threats to civilisation. In fact, on terrorism, …

Mongoose: ISIS Leader “We Are Funded By The Obama Administration”

ISIS Leader: We Are Funded By The Obama Administration Yousaf al Salafi, a man believed to be the Pakistani commander of Islamic State (ISIS), claims that  confessed that he has been receiving money through the United States. Al-Salafi made his claims during an interrogation by the Pakistani government. Salafi confessed that he “received money to …