Journal: Strategic Analysis & Culture Matter

The Afghanistan Problem The huge cultural misunderstandings between Western forces and the Afghan people make it unlikely any counterinsurgency mission in the countryside will succeed. By Gilles Dorronsoro In the countryside, Westerners are essentially perceived as corrupt and threatening to traditional Afghan or Muslim values. Contrary to our self-perception, the villagers see the foreigners as …

Review: JFK and the Unspeakable–Why He Died & Why It Matters

Stake in the Heart of National Security State September 28, 2009 James W. Douglas The premise is that JFK went against the national security establishment, notably the CIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the military-industrial complex, and was assassinated by deliberate plan of the CIA, with Richard Helms, David Atlee Philips, David Sanchez Morales, …

Journal: Government Corruption and Inattention; Foreign Influence and Access: Religious Counterintelligence

Phi Beta Iota: We started thinking about religious counterintelligence in 2003, after reading Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, at which point we concluded that we not only needed an FBI division for commercial counter-espionage, but a religious division as well, one able to track not just Islamic support …

Journal: Chuck Spinney on Al Qaeda Message, Two Comments on CIA and Al Qaeda

First, a link to the translated Al Qaeda message. Then Chuck Spinney’s commentary on the rmessage (there is no assurance it is actually from Bin Laden, who may be long dead).   Finally, a Phi Beta Iota comment that will outrage the lame of mind and resonate with every average American. Bin Ladin Says US Should …