Marcus Aurelius: Anyone Can Hijack a Ship or Airplace Via GPS —

This is on the governments that failed to be responsible about cyber-security from day one. EXCLUSIVE: GPS flaw could let terrorists hijack ships, planes The world’s GPS system is vulnerable to hackers or terrorists who could use it to hijack ships — even commercial airliners, according to a frightening new study that exposes a huge …

Chuck Spinney: Sick People at the Aspen Summit — “Extermination” Fantasies of the Empire

What kind of people are running American?  Here are some insights. Shocking ‘Extermination’ Fantasies By the People Running America’s Empire on Full Display at Aspen Summit Security Forum participants expressed total confidence in American empire, but could not contain their panic at the mention of Snowden. AlterNet / By Max Blumenthal, July 25, 2013  Seated …

Mini-Me: US Embassy Kabul in Disarray, Vulnerable

Huh? Crisis in Kabul: Security at U.S. Embassy in disarray, diplomats at risk In wake of Benghazi attack, internal probe finds Afghanistan posts vulnerable U.S. diplomatic facilities in Afghanistan have serious security lapses that pose “unnecessary risk to staff,” including poor emergency preparedness and inadequate protections that might allow classified materials to fall into the …

Jim Clifton (CEO at Gallup): Unemployment will Get WORSE in 2014

Unemployment Will Get Worse in 2014 President Barack Obama gave a major economic policy speech yesterday. Here’s what he didn’t say, and probably won’t ever say: Businesses will not begin new, significant hiring this year or in 2014. Business leaders around the country tell me they’re not thinking about new hires right now. Rather, their …

Stuart Umpleby: Event 7 August DC 1415-1530 Internet of Things – Internet of Everything – Industrial Internet – But Still Not the Internet of True Cost

I have no connection to the below, thought it worth sharing. INNOVATION | TECHNOLOGY | POLICY SHAPING THE INDUSTRIAL INTERNET Sponsored by Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies (C-PET) Our next DC event offers a high-level briefing and discussion of questions of profound significance to both policymakers and corporate America. Join us on Wednesday August …

Steven Aftergood: New from CRS

China’s Currency Policy: An Analysis of the Economic Issues, July 22, 2013 International Illegal Trade in Wildlife: Threats and U.S. Policy, July 23, 2013 The 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Natural Resource Damage Assessment Under the Oil Pollution Act, July 24, 2013 Analysis of Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), July …

Eagle: Local Resilience: Software Defined Supply Chain + True Cost Economics?

Today’s complex global supply chains are poised to be dismantled Thanks to the growth of 3D printing, intelligent robots, and open-source hardware, tomorrow’s supply chains will be faster, smaller, cheaper, and local. Nothing exemplifies the exceptional power and scale of today’s highest performing supply chains than the simple phrase: designed in California, assembled In China. …