Reference: THE WORLD ORDER A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism with an Emphasis on the Rothschilds and the Central Banks of Europe

This one book will explain more history than any other I have ever read.  South Pole Sends. Phi Beta Iota: The public is starting to do to the Rothschilds, Central Banks, and the Federal Reserve what plane spotters did to CIA rendition flights.  We support truth & reconciliation; we do NOT support revenge or expropriation …

Journal: Five Myths Debunked–Treasury Run by Crooks

I asked my good friend Marshall Auerback, an investment advisor and lawyer by training and a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, to evaluate Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s claim that TARP has been a stunning success.  Geithner made this claim in a 10 October op-ed in the Washington Post, entitled, “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tackles …

Journal: Post-Partisan Encounters–Huckabee & Huffington

Beyond Left And Right: Arianna And Mike Huckabee On Fox News (VIDEO) Arianna visited Mike Huckabee’s eponymous show this weekend, finding plenty of common ground with the Fox News host and former Republican governor from Arkansas. “Basically we went from a country that made things to a country that made things up: CDOs, credit default …

Review: The Monk and the Riddle–The Art of Creating a Life While Making a Living

Down to Earth, Absorbing, Perfectly Presented, “Must Read” October 10, 2010 Randy Komisar with Kent Lineback I’m putting this book into the 6 Star and Beyond category at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, for two reasons: it has a proper definition of what business should be about–creativity and humanity; and it strives to …

Journal: US Terrorism Outside, CEO High Crimes Inside

Surprise — The Very Dark Side of U.S. History Many Americans view their country and its soldiers as the “good guys” spreading “democracy” and “liberty” around the world. It just ain’t so. October 8, 2010 Peter Dale Scott, Robert Parry / Consortium News Alter.Net Editor’s Note: Many Americans view their country and its soldiers as …