Milt Bearden: HIST Nov/Dec 2001 Afghanistan Graveyard of Empires

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David Swanson: Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying

Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying “U.S. prepares for possible retaliatory strike against Syria,” announces a Los Angeles Times headline, even though Syria has not attacked the United States or any of its occupied territories or imperial forces and has no intention to do so. Quoth the article: “the …

David Swanson: 10 Problems with the Latest Excuse for War [Against Syria]

10 Problems with the Latest Excuse for War If you own a television or read a newspaper you’ve probably heard that we need another war because the Syrian government used chemical weapons. If you own a computer and know where to look you’ve probably heard that there isn’t actually any evidence for that claim. Below …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA False Flag Terrorism in Iran Plus Overview of Government-Sponsored False Flag Terrorism Over

F-6  info? CIA Admits It Hired People to Impersonate Enemies and Commit Terrorism in Iran The news that the CIA has admitted that it helped overthrow Iran’s democratically elected president in 1953 has gone viral. In reality, the CIA admitted that a long time ago.  Indeed, the bigger story is that the CIA admitted that it hired Iranians in the …

Kevin Barrett: US ‘Aid’ Destroys Egypt’s Economy, Democracy

US ‘Aid’ Destroys Egypt’s Economy, Democracy American President Obama says he deplores the Egyptian junta’s decision to massacre peaceful protesters and declare martial law. If he deplores it so much, why is he paying for it? It is no secret that Egyptian strongman el-Sisi and the soldiers he is sending to slaughter protesters are on …