4th Media: Facebook Partners with Police – Protests Blocked?

Partnership Between Facebook and Police Could Make Planning Protests Impossible A partnership between police departments and social media sites discussed at a convention in Philadelphia this week could allow law enforcement to keep anything deemed criminal off the Internet—and even stop people from organizing protests. A high-ranking official from the Chicago Police Department told attendees …

Jean Lievens: Peer2Politics on P2PValue

Commons-based peer production (CBPP) is a new and increasingly significant model of social innovation based on collaborative production by citizens through the Internet. Introduction Commons-based peer production (CBPP) is a new and increasingly significant model of social innovation based on collaborative production by citizens through the Internet. This project will foster the CBPP phenomenon by …

SmartPlanet: The Switching Economy Puts $5.9 Trillion Up For Grabs

The ’switching economy’ puts $5.9 trillion up for grabs By Tyler Falk | October 23, 2013 For companies around the world there are literally trillions of dollars worth of revenue up for grabs in what Accenture calls, in a new report, the “switching economy.” According to the ninth annual Accenture Global Consumer Pulse Survey, which …

Patrick Meier: Why Anonymity is Important for Truth and Trustworthiness Online

Why Anonymity is Important for Truth and Trustworthiness Online Philosophy Professor, Karen Frost-Arnold, has just published a highly lucid analysis of the dangers that come with Internet accountability (PDF). While the anonymity provided by social media can facilitate the spread of lies, Karen rightly argues that preventing anonymity can undermine online communities by stifling communication and …

Berto Jongman: John Naugton on Edward Snowden and Public Indifference About Total Surveillance

Edward Snowden: public indifference is the real enemy in the NSA affair Most people don’t seem to worry that government agencies are collecting their personal data. Is it ignorance or apathy? John Naughton The Observer, Sunday 20 October 2013 Edward Snowden’s revelations exposed a terrifying level of ‘passive acceptance’ of surveillance. Photograph: Sergei Grits/AP One …