Mini-Me: Murder of 9/11 Author & Former Pilot — and Kids, and Dog

Author works on new 9/11 book, winds up dead in the desert Open Salon, 27 February 2013 The author of a recent book that questions the official story of 9/11 was found dead earlier this month–along with his teen-age son and daughter and the family dog–at their home in the desert community of Murphys, California. …

Open Power: Democracy Lost & Found Essay, Book Review Blurbs and Links [Updated 3 MAR 2015]

NEW: Kindle Book Open Power ($2.99) OLD: Core Documents for Both Initiatives (Free) OLD: the foundation book The Open Source Everything Manifesto ROBERT STEELE: There are two schools of thought on effecting political (and hence economic and social) reform. One school is the school of love — this school emphasizes trust building and doing no …

Chuck Spinney: Kelly Vlahos on the Militarization of Yale Neuroscience

.. Or Escalating the Old Boot On Campus Game Below is an important, excellent and scary report by Kelley Vlahos.  But the MICC’s infiltration of elite campus’s is even worse that Ms. Vlahos says, because it builds on deep historical roots and tradition. Yale, a main focus of her report, has a long history of its …

Owl: Tuareg Independence — Does This Scare the French More than Algerian Terrorists Armed by the USA?

Tuareg Independence, not Al Quada Terrorists, is the the Real Target of the French and West Justin Raimondo’s analysis and debunking of what is really going on in Mali has it right, I believe: it is not about expunging Al Queda or terrorist affiliates, but rather about reasserting French imperialism at a time when the …