Review: Searching for Everardo–A Story of Love, War, and the CIA in Guatemala

6 Star Epic–Genocide, CIA Complicity, & Indigenous Honor July 27, 2010 Jennifer K. Harbury This is one of multiple books by this author, and a huge bargain as a used book–I got the used hardcopy. This book is a book-end to Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954. The author …

Review: Eaarth–Making a Life on a Tough New Planet

Starts Weak, Ends Strong, Not the Whole Picture July 21, 2010 Bill McKibben EDIT of 2 August 2010: However great the mind or the man, we all make mistakes. Paul Hawkins made his with Monsanto, I’ve made mine. ClimateGate established with clarity the fraud associated with both the fabricated science and the intended “sub-prime mortgaging” …

Journal: USG as Theater–Very BAD Theater

Tim Geithner’s Ninth Political Life By Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 16 July 2010 In modern American life, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner stands out as amazingly resilient and remarkably lucky – despite presiding over or being deeply involved in a series of political debacles, he has gone from strength to strength.  After at least eight improbably …

Journal: Obama Strike Four…

Mr. Obama’s presidency is now being defined by four intractable problems: (1) Persistent High Unemployment due to the intractable Great Recession; (2) a Financial Giveaway that protected rich Wall Street bankers at the expense of the masses who are suffering economically from the Great Recession the bankers triggered; (2) A BP Environmental Disaster that reveals …

Review: Building Social Business–The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs

4 in isolation, beyond 6 in context–a cornerstone book July 14, 2010 Muhammad Yunus and Karl Weber While I sympathize with those who feel that the book lacks reference to prior art, that social business has been around for a very long time, and that much of the book is somewhat similar to his first …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Rules Central Asia….

China-Pakistan: China and Pakistan signed four memorandums of understanding in health, power generation and the construction of two major highways in Gilgit-Baltistan, The Associated Press of Pakistan reported 9 July. According to the road construction agreements, China will construct the 165-kilometer (103-mile) Jaglot-Skardu road and the 135-kilometer (84-mile) Thakot-Sazin road. The projects will cost $965 …