2004 Simmons (US) to Schoomaker (US) Concern of Army Mis-Definition of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) as a Category of Information Instead of a Transformational Discipline in its Own Right

General Schoomaker and Congressman Rob Simmons understood each other.  The letter below, from Congressman Simmons to General Schoomaker, was intended to give General Schoomaker an opportunity to instruct LtGen Keith Alexander, then Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence , as to his duties.  A change in Army doctrine resulted, and separate Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)doctrine …

2004 Simmons (US) & Schoomaker (US) Hearing on Army Transformation Remarks on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

General Peter Schoomaker, USA (Ret), brought back from retirement to be Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, was among a tiny handful of seniors who understood the importance of moving ahead with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), having himself created the first modern “full spectrum” OSINT unit at the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) in …

2004 Briefings in Italy on The New Craft of Intelligence

2002 FAILURE of 20th Century Intelligence 2004 COLLECTION: Know Who Knows 2004 PROCESSING: Make the Most of What You Know 2004 ANALYSIS: All-Source Analysis, Making Magic 2004 NEW RULES for the New Craft of Intelligence Note: Ms. Carol Dumaine of CIA’s Global Futures Partnership was also invited and authorized by CIA to present at the …

2004 General Accountability Office (GAO) Report: Defense Acquisitiions: The Global Information Grid and Challenges Facing Its Implementation

Oops 2004: The most critical challenge ahead for DOD is making the GIG a reality. While DOD has taken steps to define its vision and objectives for the GIG on paper and in policy and is beginning to make a heavy investment in the GIG as well as systems that will be heavily dependent on …