SchwartzReport: Tea Party Tantrums — Don’t Want to Be a White Minority — Never Mind Already Being Stupid

This, I think, is the truth of the Tea Party, and it reflects my own views. I published my first essay on the coming White minority in 1998, after following this trend beginning in the 70s, and it has just been growing angrier and more irrational year by year. The White Man’s Last Tantrum? ROBERT …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Who Done It? US Missiles Soon, Never Mind the Forensic Evidence….

26 August 2013 Syria: Update. UN Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said on Monday. “I just spoke to my Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament, Ms. Angela Kane, who is now in Damascus to oversee the investigation. The first day of investigation was carried out by Dr. Sellstrom and his team,” said Ban in a statement issued by his spokesperson. …

Search: open source intelligence history 1.1

There is nothing new about open source information.  What is new about open source intelligence (ethical evidence-based decision-support based solely on open, legal, ethical sources and methods) is the attempt to fully integrate the proven process of intelligence (requirements definition, collection management, source discovery and validation, multi-source fusion (both machine and human), visualization (both machine …