Review: The Big Disconnect – Why the Internet Hasn’t Transformed Politics (Yet)

Micah Sifry 5.0 out of 5 stars Should Be Top Ten Book Across All Progressive Communities, October 5, 2014 This is one of the most useful important books I have read in the past couple of years, and I am stunned that the publisher has failed to properly present the book for purchase on Amazon. …

SchwartzReport: US Telecomms Strike Three — Lazy, Ignorant, Irrelevant

We are in our own way a developing world. Here you see the naked greed of aging infrastructure corporations attempting to block new technology owned by the public. US Telecoms Giants Call on FCC to Block Cities’ Expansion of High-Speed Internet DOMINIC RUSHE – Reader Supported News The US telecoms industry called on the Federal …

Jean Lievens: Isabelle Stengers on on user movements and systems of horizontal apprenticeship

Isabelle Stengers on on user movements and systems of horizontal apprenticeship Andre Ling introduces the importance of the the Belgian philosopher of science Isabelle Stengers: “She is a truly remarkable philosopher and currently one of my favourites. While she has written some very solid books on the philosophy of science (such as The Power of …

Michel Bauwens: FLOK Economics Failure in Ecuador – Lessons

An assessment of the FLOK process and why the P2P Foundation will not use the FLOK brand in the future (note: this version was originally written at the request of Jay Wallsjasper of On the Commons, slightly expanded and updated on July 13; it’s a little more elaborate than the first informal assessment shared here …

Yoda: Promise Language – Language of Commerce Rooted in Trust and Reputation

Promise Language – The Language of Commerce Open source, free marketplace software. How does one gain trust without an authority? Commerce between anonymous people is possible with a P2P database and open source. A public record of one’s previous transactions is reputation. This is exchange software, payment processing software, and procurement software.  It provides reputation, …