Search: bibliography for osint (new master list of archive link tables and directory entry points)

OSS.Net Library Sortable Table of Contents 1.2 Sorted by Focus Author Year 1988-2009 OSINT-M4IS2 TECHINT Chronology Academic Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Analysis Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Budget Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Commerce Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Golden Candle & Platinum Lifetime Awards (1992-2006) Geospatial Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Government Archive …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA’s Double Standard Exploitation of Secrecy — Use It to Hide Official Attrocities, While Screwing Iconoclasts + RECAP

Secret Double Standard By Ted Gup New York Times, January 9, 2013 Cambridge, Mass. — IN the last week, the American public has been reminded of the Central Intelligence Agency’s contradictory attitude toward secrecy. In a critique of “Zero Dark Thirty,” published last Thursday in The Washington Post, a former deputy director of the C.I.A., …

Search: osint manual

Handbook is the term that we use, and there are many handbooks.  The middle column is our total directory.  See: Handbooks (64) Analysis (13) C4/JOE/Software (4) HUMINT (11) Law Enforcement (12) Military (19) OSINT Generic (17) Stabilization (19) Threats/Topical (13) UN/NGO (19) See Also Prior Searches on OSINT (links, models, etcetera):

Patrick Meier: UN, Social Media, HUMINT, and Geospatial Decision-Support –a REAL Revolution in Intelligence Affairs

How the UN Used Social Media in Response to Typhoon Pablo Our mission as digital humanitarians was to deliver a detailed dataset of pictures and videos (posted on Twitter) which depicted the damage and flooding following the Typhoon. An overview of this digital response is available here. The task of our United Nations colleagues at the Office of the …