Graphic: Global Brain at Infancy (Facebook)

A member of Facebook’s data infrastructure engineering team, recently took a sample of about ten million pairs of friends from Facebook’s data warehouse and plotted out their relationships. The result? A stunningly beautiful—and accurate—map of the world. Source Phi Beta Iota:  What really matters in the above is not the light, but the darkness.  Facebook–and …

Michel Bauwens: Israel Uses Facebook to Identify and then Block Incoming Protesters from Europe

Israel used Facebook to stop European pro-Palestine activists IntelNews.Org, 12 July 2011 Joseph Fitsanakis Israeli intelligence services managed to stop dozens of European pro-Palestine activists from flying to Israel, by gathering open-source intelligence about them on social media sites, such as Facebook. According to Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, intelligence gathered on Facebook formed the …

Venessa Miemis: Facebook — Liberation or Control Tool?

Is Facebook a Liberator or The Man? This post is highlighting content areas for The Future of Facebook project, a six-part video series exploring the impacts of social networking technologies on our lives and business. Social networks are a tool for activism and civic engagement, as well as a means of control, manipulation, and surveillance. What …