Richard Wright: USMC “Learns” From StratFor – Integrity? – We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Integrity

Robert, I have given up on the U.S. Intelligence Community; it simply reflects the fact that the U.S. Federal Government and the Political System that it is based on are devoid of both common sense and integrity at all levels. The coruption has undermined our entire National Security Establishment. Clapper’s departure (if valid) is just …

Koko: Boston Charles River Swimmable – 46 Year Goal, Last 20 Years a Blend of Citizen – Corporate – Government Intelligence with Integrity

Clean and Clear Derrick Z. Jackson Boston Globe, 11 October 2011 IT WAS unthinkable 20 years ago that the Charles River would ever be clean enough to win the world’s leading environmental prize for river restoration. Back then, human feces lapped at the Museum of Science. It was a river with “belly-up fish and algal …

Chuck Spinney: Without Intelligence or Integrity, Incestuous Amplication of Self-Referencing (Corrupt Idiocy) Assures Eventual Implosion

Sun Tzu or Bismarck: Who will Prevail in the 21st Century? [Note: this first appeared in Time’s Battleland Blog (here)],  The first three chapters in Sun Tzu’s timeless classic “The Art of War” describe how to make net assessments by comparing your strengths and weaknesses and those of your adversary and how to formulate strategy. Near …

Berto Jongman: Mathematics < Integrity = Financial Fraud

The mathematical equation that caused the banks to crash The Black-Scholes equation was the mathematical justification for the trading that plunged the world’s banks into catastrophe Ian Stewart The Observer, 11 February 2012 EXTRACT: The equation itself wasn’t the real problem. It was useful, it was precise, and its limitations were clearly stated. It provided …

Richard Wright: Integrity? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Integrity!

Integrity? We don’t need no stinkin’integrity! Precision Munitions Lessen Need for Close Air Support Plane: Schwartz Answers the A-10 Question PENTAGON: One of the longest-running debates between the Air Force and the Army centers on close air support. Historically, the Air Force hates supplying CAS and doesn’t like buying or maintaining the planes that do …

Butler Shaffer: War as a Lifestyle + Does Integrity Matter?

War as a Lifestyle Butler Shaffer Lou, 28 December 2011 Whenever I watch the Republican presidential debates, my mind is drawn to that important children’s book, The Emperor’s New Clothes. The six sock-puppets who have thus far managed to survive the musical-chairs comedy ballet wow Mr. and Mrs. Boobus with their visions of a …

Marcus Aurelius: Dr. Robert Gates Finds His Integrity

It’s a real shame Gates could not connect to his integrity while in office. Gates on D.C. lawmakers: ‘Oversized egos and undersized backbones’ By MARCUS WEISGERBER | Federal Times, December 14, 2011 Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called out lawmakers for their inability to compromise and develop bipartisan strategies and policies to “address our …