Chuck Spinney: Andrew Bacevich on David Brooks of the NYT “Always Wrong”

This superb piece by Andrew Bacevich (Colonel US Army Ret.) is one the best portraits of what is wrong with self-important warmongering commentariat in the mainstream media: Track records count for nothing in the cozy salons of Versailles on the Potomac. SUNDAY, SEP 15, 2013 3:30 PM UTC David Brooks is constantly wrong Takes a …

Chuck Spinney: When a KGB President Lectures the USA — And Holds the Moral High Ground…Say What?

Who Benefits From America’s State of Perpetual War? Putin Lectures Obama by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, COUNTERPUNCH, SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 That our Noble Peace Prize winning President and the Congress needed a rational lecture [also attached below] on the need for a little common sense in foreign policy, from a graduate of the KGB, says a …

Chuck Spinney: Ambassador Chas Freeman — “Don’t Just Stand There, Bomb Something!”

Below is a thoughtful essay by Ambassador Chas Freeman.  He describes how the United States has painted itself into a corner on the Syrian Question.  Many see this problem in terms of President Obama’s missteps, but Freeman shows it goes far beyond one man’s grand-strategic foibles. While Freeman does not express the evolution of grand …

Chuck Spinney: Patrick Coburn on Chaos in Libya – What Has US “Power” Done?

Special report: We all thought Libya had moved on – it has, but into lawlessness and ruin Libya has plunged unnoticed into its worst political and economic crisis since the defeat of Gaddafi PATRICK COCKBURN Independent, TUESDAY 03 SEPTEMBER 2013–it-has-but-into-lawlessness-and-ruin-8797041.html Related articles

Chuck Spinney: Thoughts on Obama’s March to Folly in Syria

President Obama’s Syria nightmare is becoming increasingly bizarre.  The man who claimed he could distinguish dumb from smart wars is marching headlong into the dumbest one yet, with allies jumping ship left and right.  Consider, please, the following: (1) NBC just released a poll saying a majority of the American people are opposed to another …

Chuck Spinney: Robert Parry on CIA within CIA Coup Against Jimmy Carler

Below is a very important report (all of it below the line), written by Robert Parry, one of the best investigative journalists in what is left of the news business. As I explained here, the most powerful form of conflict is the M&M strategy waged a the moral level of conflict. The M&M or Motherhood and Mismatch …

Chuck Spinney: Kosovo as Precedent for Syria — Obama Administration Disconnected from Reality and Well Over the Line

The Kosovo Precedent Syria in the Crosshair by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch, 27 August 2013 I found it truly scary to read that some high officials in the Obama Administration are so disconnected from reality that they consider the 1999 war in Kosovo to be a precedent for justifying limited cruise missile strikes in …