2004: Information Peacekeeping A Nobel Objective

Click here for briefing with notes:  Information Peacekeeping 1.1-1 Following the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) first conference on Peacekeeping Intelligence, out of which came the book, PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future, there was a conference in Canada that produced a book that is both overpriced and overly academic.  The third conference, in …

1994 Brief to the National Research Council Review of the Army Multi-Billion Dollar Future Communications Architecture UPDATED Full Text Online + References

It was a privilege to be asked by the National Research Council to comment on the U.S. Army’s multi-billion dollar future communications architecture.  I noticed immediately that the entire program assumed self-generated bits and bytes and made no provision, ZERO PROVISION, for acquiring and making sense of external information from anyone outside the DoD “grid.” …