2002 Global Futures Partnership–Vision of Lasting Value

The Global Futures Partnership (GFP) is a strategic “think and do tank” that undertakes unclassified global outreach for CIA and other Intelligence Community elements on the most important issues facing the intelligence community today and in coming years. It conceptualizes and implements interdisciplinary and multi-organizational projects on key intelligence issues with leading thinkers from academia, …

2002 The Information Society: An industrialized world perspective (UN ITU)

ABOUT What does the twenty-first century “information society’ mean for all of us? This paper will examine information society developments primarily from an industrialized country perspective. However, it will acknowledge that the spread of networks means that developments in the industrialised countries have major implications for developing countries. The paper will consider: 1) the key …

2002 Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for education and building human capital (UN ITU)

ABOUT In the past decade, governments in both rich and middle-income countries have invested enormously in ICT in education, especially in schools. Universities have also invested, sometimes for the benefit of students or administrators on their campuses, and sometimes to facilitate distance learning, which has expanded rapidly, especially for the delivery of MBA programmes in …

2002 Information wants to be free (UN ITU)

ABOUT Communication is fundamental to the valorisation of information, and together information and communication play multiple roles in social development. For example, layers of information have accumulated over generations to provide us with the stock of knowledge we take for granted in science, culture and everyday life. This knowledge is communicated from person to person …

2002 Fostering globally accecssible and affordable Information Communication Technologies (ICT)

ABOUT The following key issues are explored under this topic: 1. Introduction to the global information society A) Technology  B) Borderless communication 2. The social infrastructure A) Network infrastructure B) Platform C) Applications 3. Fostering ICTs: a country-wise approach A) Economically advanced countries B) Information- advanced countries C) Developing countries D) Asian perspective 4. Increasing …