Marcus Aurelius: Hagel as Theater or Change Agent?

Sen Hagel, if confirmed as SECDEF, may start firing Service Secretaries. Keeping Acquisition and Intelligence will be a sure sign that nothing is actually going to change. Sources: Carter, Others Expected To Stay By Zachary Fryer-Biggs and Marcus Weisgerber Washington Post, 21 January 2013 Although the transition between presidential terms is usually marked by large-scale personnel …

Howard Rheingold: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes – Lessons in Mindfulness and Creativity from the Great Detective

How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes: Lessons in Mindfulness and Creativity from the Great Detective by Maria Popova “A man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.” “The habit of mind which leads to a search for relationships between facts,” wrote James …

Stuart Umpleby: Limitations of Hand-Held Dashboards + Cyber-Brain RECAP

Before Fruit Ninja, Cybernetics By WILL WILES New York Times, November 29, 2012 EXTRACT (Conclusion) The No. 10 Dashboard taps into the same desire to master available information — a desire that has only grown as the amount of information in circulation has increased. Where Cybersyn needed dedicated national infrastructure and rooms full of equipment, …

Chuck Spinney: Pivotng to China — Criminally Insane, Business as Usual

The attached report by Greg Jaffe in the Washington Post (from 1 August 2012) is an excellent case study of the inside-the-beltway networking by the players in the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC).  Jaffe shows these networks build a consensus to keep defense spending high when wars end and a terrifying peace dividend …

Theophillis Goodyear: Loyalty, and Toxic Loyalty

In my recent post Theophillis Goodyear: Networks of Corruption—-Critical Mass—-Divided Loyalties—-Dilemmas of Betrayal—-Sacrifice—-the Harm of Innocents—-The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number I said I was unaware of any other books that are specifically about loyalty, but I found this one: Why Loyalty Matters: The Groundbreaking Approach to Rediscovering Happiness, Meaning and Lasting Fulfillment in …