Owl: China Swamps US Across the Board – Made in China Computer Chips Have Back Doors, 45 Other “Ways & Means” Sucking Blood from US

Two Ways the Chinese May Take Over the World and the US: 1) Chinese Stuxnet for the Rest of the World If what this analyst says is true, it paints a truly astonishing in implication and very, very ugly picture of the national security situation in store for most governments – especially in the US: …

John Robb: Automation of Censorship and Extra-Judicial Assassination

The Automation of Government Coercion Posted: 25 May 2012 09:10 AM PDT I recently did a series of interviews for an international venture investing newsletter called Capitalist Exploits.  Here’s a question I got that I thought we be of interest to GG readers.  I’ve extended the answer a bit from the original in the interview. …

2012 Reality Sandwich: How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny

How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny Robert David Steele Vivas Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012 For six weeks in early 2012 I ran for the office of President of the United States of America.  I was accepted by the Reform Party (one of six accredited national parties completely shut out of the …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Book Review: Bring on the Beautiful Trouble – Toolbox for Revolution Database spotlight: Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism in the United States (PPT-US) DoD Installation Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Preparedness Standards DoD Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Human Effects Characterization Get Ready to Shake, Rattle and Glow — The Worst is Yet to …

Review (Guest): Westmoreland – The General Who Lost Vietnam – Includes Second Review With Contextual Detail on Failure of Intelligence (Including Soviets Owning US Crypto)

Lewis Sorley A Man Promoted Above his Ability September 12, 2011 By Hrafnkell Haraldsson VINE™ VOICE I grew up during the Vietnam War. I was seven years old when General William Westmoreland was sent to Vietnam by LBJ to take charge of things there. I was eleven when he lost his job and by then, …

Winslow Wheeler: The F-22, Toxic Stealth, Secrets Screw Sick…

Dina Rasor and Pierre Sprey have collaborated on an important and informative piece on the F-22.  It expands the publically available thinking about the nature of the toxicity problem facing F-22 pilots, and–just as importantly–it probes the nature of one of the prime suspects for the problem: the F-22’s “stealth” coating.  Note at the end of …