Chuck Spinney: Demonizing Iran, Bankrupting America

Making an Enemy of Iran By Patrick Seale Agence Global, 2 August 2011 It is now widely accepted – and lamented — that US President Barack Obama failed dismally in attempting to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Defeated by Israel’s hard-line Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, and by Israel’s friends in the U.S. — …

Jon Lebkowski: Beyond Push-Pull to Interactive Engagement

Phi Beta Iota:  For a half century the US Intelligence Community has “pushed” hard target “intelligence” downstream while refusing to do Global Coverage.  In the late 1980’s it started to hear customer complaints about wanting to “pull” relevant information.  Today the US Intelligence Community is completely isolated from 90% or so of the direct end-users, …

Marcus Aurelius: Joe Scarborough Tries to Scare on Debt

Below is an excellent example of scare-mongering and ideologically-rooted media froth. The morning after Joe Scarborough WASHINGTON, D.C.— Aug. 3, 2011 It was a financial storm that even an economics professor could see coming. The debt crisis that had gripped Washington for a month came to a sudden, horrifying climax that left America’s economy looking …