Bio-War via Food: US Attacking Germany/Europe?

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities Monday, June 06, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of EXTRACT: Although the actual process is more complicated than this, the upshot is that creating a strain of e.coli that’s resistant to eight classes of antibiotics requires repeated, sustained …

Financial Rape of Libya — Assassination vs Invasion

Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’ RT  –  18 hours ago Watch video Phi Beta Iota: China and Russia both appear to have explained to Goldman Sachs executives that they will be assassinated if they do not make good on their financial rapes against those two countries.  Libya appears to have adopted the …

Review: To Save America Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine

Newt Gingrich and *many* other contributors. Hyperbole Squared, Disingenious, Mostly Theater, June 2, 2011 I happen to like Newt Gingrich, but no one has held him accountable on matters of truth for decades. When I was elected Virtual President at the Huffington Post (search for Robert David Steele), Newt was my choice for Vice President …