Review: Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth

A Four Pumped to Five to Stave Off the Ideologues November 27, 2009 David C. Korten I would normally rate this book a four because of its lack of reference to Buckminster Fuller (see Critical Path; the Open Money movement; or the literature on wealth of networks, fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, and …

Review: TYRANNICIDE The Story of the Second American Revolution

Recommended by habeas corruptus & Robert Steele November 23, 2009 Dr. Evan Keliher Edit of 9 Jan 11 in light of shooting of gentle lady of Arizona, a judge, and others.  I am leaving the original rhetoric intact, but I want to emphasize two things: 1) my enthusiasm was rhetorical, never anticipating the two-party tyranny …

Worth a Look: TYRANNICIDE The Story of the Second American Revolution (Paperback)

Preview from habeas corruptus by Christopher Ketcham A suggestion for further action comes to mind in a recent book of fiction called Tyrannicide, by Evan Keliher, which offers the improbable scenario of the Second American Revolution, which opens, sometime in the near future, with the slow, careful, systematic assassination of the members of the US …