Chuck Spinney: Climate Models – Got Real Data?

The acid test of any scientific theory is whether or not its predictions reasonably match up to reality. The attached paper by Dr. David Evans is important because it compares predictions of climate models predicting global warming to our most advanced temperature measurement technologies. This is a good example of the kind of information that …

Event: AM 31 Mar Washington Panel on Complexity & Reflexivity, Washington Academy of Sciences + Meta-RECAP

Complexity and Reflexivity Papers presented at the Washington Academy of Sciences Washington, DC, March 31-April 1, 2012 UPDATED 24 Feb to post all links Conceptions of Complexity and Implications for Economics Stuart Umpleby, The George Washington University, Washington, DC Experiments in Reflexive Inquiry Kent Myers, Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton Conceptual Difficulties and Pragmatic Responses to …

Berto Jongman: Edge Book Series

These books may be interesting.  The top one was just released. This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking [John Brockman et al, 2012] What scientific concept would improve everybody’s cognitive toolkit? This is the question John Brockman, publisher of, posed to the world’s most influential thinkers. Their visionary answers …

Worth a Look: Liars and Outliers – Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive (Bruce Schneier)

How does society function when you can’t trust everyone? When we think about trust, we naturally think about personal relationships or bank vaults. That’s too narrow. Trust is much broader, and much more important. Nothing in society works without trust. It’s the foundation of communities, commerce, democracy—everything. In this insightful and entertaining book, Schneier weaves …

Berto Jongman: Does Terrorism Work? What Do They Want? + Meta-RECAP

Does Terrorism Really Work? Evolution in the Conventional Wisdom Since 9/11 (Max Abrahms) What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy (Max Abrahms) Why Terrorism Does Not Work (Max Abrahms) Max Abrahms Website Phi Beta Iota:  Terrorism is a tactic.  Both Israel and the USA have used it to great effect, and evidently continue …

Eagle: Call for Internet “Quality Control” aka Quash Dissent

Columnist Calls for Internet “Quality Control” to Quash Dissent Michael Tennant New American, 25 January 2012 Do you think anthropogenic global warming is a hoax? Are you unconvinced that your ancestors had more in common with Cheetah than with Tarzan? Have you any doubts about the official version of how 9/11 went down? Then you, …