Worth a Look: Books on Governance & Resilience

Forthcoming 14 May 2014. Resilience has become a central concept in government policy understandings over the last decade. In our complex, global and interconnected world, resilience appears to be the policy ‘buzzword’ of choice, alleged to be the solution to a wide and ever-growing range of policy issues. This book analyses the key aspects of …

Worth a Look: Dharma Cafe

Our Mission DharmaCafé begins from two very simple premises: That there actually is a numinous, luminous, spiritual, transcendent, and irreducibly conscious Reality (what we shall here call “the sacred”) and that our own participation in this Reality is the most vital, passionate, interesting, and important aspect of our individual and collective lives. Instead of expending …

Stephen E. Arnold: Predictive Analytics, Food Prices, Revolution

Civic Predictive Analysis Proving Accurate We find the field of predictive analysis fascinating (see here, here, and here, for example), and now we have more evidence of how important this work can be. Motherboard reports on “The Math that Predicted the Revolutions Sweeping the Globe Right Now.” The key component: high food prices. Writer Brian …

Mini-Me: 9/11 Convergence 15th Anniversary — Silverstein Briefed Jews on Plans for New Towers 17 Months Before 9/11

Huh? SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/911-Cheney NEW 2018-02-25 Paul Adams: As I was listening to the 9/11 segment of the interview, you should know I just viewed a documentary where Larry Silverstein in front of a group of Jews, explained how in April 2000 – 17 months before 9/11 – he was reviewing the blueprints for the …