Berto Jongman: The Elephant in the Room – Organized Crime and Peace Operations

The Elephant in the Room: How Can Peace Operations Deal with Organized Crime? Although the threats that organized crime pose to UN peace operations are increasing, most missions lack either the mandate or resources to deal with them effectively. By using case studies from Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, and Kosovo, this paper not only illustrates the nature …

David Swanson: US Government Abuse of “Orders of Protection” to Detain, Interrogate, and Disarm wihtout Due Process Any Peace Activists

Anti-Drone Activists Stopped at U.S. Canadian Border due to “Orders of Protection” given by court to Commander of Drone Base By Charley Bowman In mid-June, 2013, Western New York Peace Center board member Valerie Niederhoffer was stopped and interrogated for several hours at the U.S.-Canadian border when returning to the US from an afternoon doing …

David Swanson: Kellogg-Briand Pact – Peace Pact of Paris — Bans War, USA is Still a Party to This Treaty

A Built-In Cure for War Erin Niemela’s recent proposal that we amend the Constitution to ban war is provocative and persuasive.  Count me in.  But I have a related idea that I think should be tried first. While banning war is just what the world ordered, it has about it something of the whole Bush-Cheney …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan, China, & India — Regional Accommodation As US Gets Kicked Out of the Neighborhood — Next Up the Persian – Russian Peace Zone

Pakistan: Pakistan’s National Assembly on Wednesday formally elected Nawaz Sharif as prime minister. Sharif, 63, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-N, was elected by an overwhelming majority. He received 244 of the 317 votes cast by assembly members. Many parties voted en bloc for Nawaz Sharif to curry favor with the new government. President Zardari …