SchwartzReport: US Spends Tens of Billions Abroad–Better Spent at Home?

Where Does Milllons in Pentagon Contracts Go? NICK TURSE – Mother Jones While American children are going to bed hungry, and their schools all too often are falling apart, we have squandered untold billions on the infrastructure and schools of the countries where we have created wars, producing astonishing profits for war contractors, and little …

Mini-Me: Jane Harman at CIA? Over Many Dead Bodies + CIA RECAP

Huh? Jane Harman and Israeli Spying Possible New CIA Director Already Politically Compromised by ALISON WEIR CounterPunch, November 14, 2012 It is astounding to find that one of the handful of prospects being floated to become CIA director following the fall of General David Petraeus is a person reportedly implicated in a 2005 Israeli spy …

Del Spurlock Jr.: Requiem for the All-Volunteer Force — and a Comment on Thomas Ricks’ “The Generals”

I supported the all-volunteer force but I now recognize the wisdom of General Matthew Ridgeway–he warned against relying on all volunteer force..  In combination with a battlefield full of unaccountable contractors — and a military no longer able to go to war without contractors — the failures of our generals are part of a larger …

Owl: Paula Broadwell nee Kranz as Zionist Honey? — Probably Not But Some Questions Do Need to Be Asked

A Covert Affair: Petraeus Caught in the Honeypot? Justin Raimondo has uncovered the connection that Petraeus’ lover, Paula Blackwell [nee Kranz], has to neocon and Zionist entities, which may explain who really brought Petreaus down: “While Broadwell’s current academic affiliation is with Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, her previous post was deputy director of the …

GI Wilson: Maps for Post-Sandy Recovery – Good, Bad, & Ugly – Comment by Robert Steele

We always have a map problem…I know you have known this for yrs and yrs and been the single voice in the map wilderness calling out….I wonder who got all those old Soviet maps after the fall…..we have never solved this problem…we just think we have. yes…No…? After Sandy, Intelligence Agencies Scramble To Feed Maps, …

Rickard Falkvinge: Epic Global Copyright Case Goes to US Supreme Court

The Scary Spectre Of Perpetual IPR Posted: 31 Oct 2012 10:33 AM PDT Activism – Wendy Cockcroft:  The nightmare scenario of perpetual copyright approaches. The Supreme Court is hearing Kirtsaeng V Wiley, the case of an entrepreneurial Thai student who purchased his textbooks from his native land and imported them into the United States, taking …