Mini-Me: Has Europe Been Castrated? Or Just Gotten a Lobotomy? Snowden Shitstorm Goes Global with “Virtual Kidnapping” of Bolivian President

Huh? Bolivia furious over Snowden jet claims Bolivia plane incident infuriates Latin America Barring of Bolivian Plane Infuriates Latin America as Snowden Case Widens Snowden case: Bolivia condemns jet ‘aggression’ Snowden case: France apologises in Bolivia plane row South American nations discuss Morales ‘virtual kidnapping’ Unasur Confirms Special Summit in Bolivia US admits contact with …

Gordon Duff: Modern Cars As Murder Weapons — Just Attach A Transceiver to the On Board Computer, and Assume Control — Works on Aircraft as Well

“We Got The Message…” Hastings “Boston Brakes” Killing a Warning? Imagine a new “E Class” Mercedes exploding in flames, burning to a cinder.  220 km/hr crashes on the Autobahn are often survived, certainly without a fire. There is a reason to own a Mercedes, in normal circumstances the chances of dying in one are quite …

Neal Rauhauser: Israel Has No Claim on Litani Waters [But Stealing Water — Lots Of It — from Aquifers]

Israel: No Claim On Litani Waters Quality information on the Rivers Of The Fertile Cresent tends to be dense and technical, but there are occasional bits of political dynamite, such as this quote. The Fig. 1 mentioned is the above map of the Jordan & Litani river basins. On the other hand, it is worthy to …

Jim Fetzer: Can the Ghost of JFK Save Obama, Call Out Papa Bush, & Expose Texas’Treason? + LBJ-Texas-CIA Assassination RECAP

JFK 50th: The keys to understanding his assassination On 22 November 2013, the Oswald Innocence Campaign will be hosting the premiere event to commemorate the 50th observance of the JFK assassination. Presenting cutting-edge research on the death of our 35th President that holds the keys to understanding what took place, it will feature some of …

Jim Clapper: Do I Really Want to Be Here? + Robert Steele’s Simple Guide to Fixing National Intelligence + Intelligence Failure Meta-RECAP 2.0

Americans Must Call for Independent Counsel and Ouster of Clapper (Forbes) Fire James Clapper: The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about? (Slate) James Clapper, NSA and the “L” word (Washington Post) James Clapper Reassures Private Contractors In Wake Of NSA Leak (Huffington Post) N.S.A. Disclosures …