Review: Independents Rising: Outsider Movements, Third Parties, and the Struggle for a Post-Partisan American

Jacqueline S. Salit 3.0 out of 5 stars TIRED — Out of Touch with Substance and Reality,November 10, 2012 I’ve gone through this book, it is a very fast read, in part because there is no real substance here. I list ten better books at the end. If you seek out my summary reviews you …

Yoda: Research Fraud Has Exploded in Past Decade — Pattern of Fraud in Education, Intelligence, & Research

Sad, this is. Research fraud exploded over the last decade And retractions don’t always mention when data’s fraudulent (43% of the time, in fact). A number of studies have spotted a worrisome trend: although the number of scientific journals and articles published is increasing each year, the rate of papers being retracted as invalid is …

DefDog: The 350-Ship Navy (if Mitt Romney Wins)

Came across these references — John F. Lehman, the 600-ship SecNav under Reagan, is one of Romney’s advisors. 2012-11-02  Both Obama and Romney Proposals Don’t Meet Navy Requirements (USNI Proceedings) 2012-10-22  When It Comes To The U.S. Navy, Numbers Matter (John Lehman at A strong Navy is not a drain on our economy, it …

Marcus Aurelius: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on Land / Sea Roles

Land, Sea Roles Changing, Dempsey Says By Claudette Roulo American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON October 10, 2012 – While the Navy’s aircraft carrier fleet is sized correctly to carry out its mission, land forces are facing “significant changes,” Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said here today. “At this …