NIGHTWATCH: Egypt a Window Into US Future? Army Against a President?

Egypt: The Army vs. the President. After two days of huge anti-government demonstrations, the Minister of Defense on behalf of the armed forces issued an ultimatum to President Mursi and the opposition to settle the unrest in 48 hours. The statement is reported in full English translation so that Readers may appreciate the entire context. …

REVEALED: The True Story of Dr. Dr. Dave Warner and the Synergy Strike Force

The Merry Pranksters Who Hacked the Afghan War It was a dark time in a long, drawn-out war. Afghanistan was festering with resentment. The Pentagon brass were desperate. It was the kind of last-ditch moment when authorities start throwing an era’s weirdest ideas at its most hopeless bureaucratic mistakes. (ILLUSTRATIONS: GRAHAM SMITH) By Brian Calvert …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter Issue 63, June 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 63, June 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Free Software Foundation statement on PRISM revelations A second FSF-certified device from ThinkPenguin: long-range USB Wifi adapter with Atheros chip April’s English translation team is recruiting volunteers MediaGoblin 0.4.0: Hall of the Archivist Announcing the newest fully free GNU/Linux distribution: LibreWRT FSF polo shirts have …

2013 Robert Steele: Concise Summary of Three Paths to a Prosperous World at Peace

I know of three ways to get from today to a prosperous world at peace, a world that works for all — all three merit consideration as a whole. 01. Open Source Everything (OSE). This is the technical solution. The US Government is ignorant and arrogant in part because the cult of secrecy and the …

Graphic: Gas Exporting Countries — the Twin to OPEC

Source Phi Beta Iota: The next big leap is going to be the combination of solar power, water desalination, hydroponics agriculture and fisheries, and free wireless mesh that provides cellular, Internet access, and education to communities that are totally self-sufficient from centralized anything.  Lacking to date has been a single major investor focused on seeding …

Neal Rauhauser: Turkey – Iran – Saudi Arabia in Conflict

Today’s Tripolar Power Struggle A few days ago I came across a map as part of research intended to expand the current Shia/Sunni labels applied to the Syrian conflict into the regional actors that fuel it. Egypt was given a prominent role that likely dated back to thinking about the United Arab Republic, formed early on …