Review: Fateful Decisions–Inside the National Security Council (Paperback)

Updated Improved Version, But Dropped Some Good Stuff, April 21, 2005 Karl F. Inderfurth Edit of 20 Dec 07 to add links. This is an updated and improved version of the 1988 version, “Decisions of the Highest Order: Perspectives on the National Security Council,” a book that remains, in its original form, a gold standard …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Douglas Johnston

Dr. Douglas Johnston is the President and founder of the International center for Religion and Diplomacy (ICRD).  The Center’s mission is to address identity-based conflicts that exceed the reach of traditional diplomacy by incorporating religion as part of the solution. In 2004 he was recognized with the Golden Candle Award of the Open Source Solutions …

2004 Bjorgo (NO) Root Causes of Terrorism

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Dr. Tore Bjorgo, Norway OSS ’04: To Dr. Tore Bjorgo, Senior Research Fellow of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), for his leadership of research on terrorism and international crime.  His authorship/editorship of ten books in the field represents the best combination of open sources, scholarship, and operationally-useful intelligence. Below is …

2004 Daly (US) Globalization and National Defense–Implications of the Effective Erasure of National Boundaries in an Era of Ecological Economics

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD:  Dr. Herman E. Daly OSS ’04: To Dr. Herman E. Daly for his early role as a founder of the field of Ecological Economics, including his leadership role in the creation of the journal for this area of ethical study, and his body of work including Steady-State Economics (1977) and the most …