Berto Jongman: Why Is Barrett Brown in Jail? What Does It Tell Us About Corporate-Government Conspiracies to Repress Free Speech and the Media?

The Strange Case of Barrett Brown Amid the outrage over the NSA’s spying program, the jailing of journalist Barrett Brown points to a deeper and very troubling problem. Peter Ludlow The Nation, 18 June 2013 In early 2010, journalist and satirist Barrett Brown was working on a book on political pundits, when the hacktivist collective …

Mini-Me: Corrupted Science – Science in the Private Interest

Huh? This project titled “Corrupted Science” was developed as part of a series of lectures that explores the disengagement of science from its ethical roots, resulting in a loss of honesty, integrity, objectivity, autonomy, and public confidence. A series of power point presentations highlight the corrupting influences on scientific practice. This site grew out of …

Berto Jongman: Wireless Mesh Networking — Design for Freedom

DIY Tech Explored In Free The Network The Creators Project Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies At the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City, Motherboard TV uncovered an unlikely hero in the thicket of the protest’s confusion. Meet Issac Wilder, the founder of The Free Network Foundation, a mesh networking …

John Robb: Every Person Must be Considered a Potential Terrorist — Local to Global Education, News, and Social Media Must be Controlled (Satire)

Positive Control When something is very dangerous, like nuclear weapons, standard forms of protections and control methodologies aren’t sufficient. Something that potentially dangerous needs something more aggressive. In the military, that’s called positive control. Positive control is an active form of control where the dangerous item is under 24x7x365 monitoring, checking, patrolling, testing, etc. In …

Tom Atlee: Nothing to Hide? NSA Can Still Strip Search You Electronically…

Navigating a Web where “nothing to hide” doesn’t help you or democracy be safe Having nothing to hide is no guarantee of avoiding trouble due to NSA surveillance, which can create an environment of fear, a suppression of cultural creativity, and opportunities for politically targeted suppression, generally degrading democracy.  The erosion of privacy can be …