Reference: M4IS2 OSINT UN NATO Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference (Phi Beta Iota, Google, Amazon) Biocapital (Biocapital) Biocapital Bio-Economics (Bio-Economics) Bio-Economics Bio-Mimicry (Bio-Mimicry) Bio-Mimicry Common Wealth (Common Wealth)  Common Wealth EarthGame (EarthGame) EarthGame Ecology intelligence (Ecology intelligence) Ecology intelligence Ecological Economics (Ecological Economics) Ecological Economics Ecologicial Intelligence (Ecological Intelligence) Ecological Intelligence Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & Intelligence (Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & Intelligence) Ethics, …

Reference: 1996 Hill Testimony on Secrecy

We must “recognize that 80% of what we consider intelligence–decision-support–is now either erroneously classified or not done at all, and this is the fundamental weakness of our national intelligence community. The three references: 1996 Testimony to Moynihan Commisson 1993 TESTIMONY on National Security Information 1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (An Alternative Paradigm)

Reference: 1996 Testimony to Moynihan Commisson

As Presented: OSS1997-03-03 Secrecy Primer Moynihan Commission The protection of “sources & methods” is a political gambit, not a legitimate claim for immunity.  This testimony to the Moynihan Commission on Secrecy lays out the hypocricy in detail. See Also: OSS1997-03-02 Secrecy Seminar 1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence RELATED: Worth a Look: Books on …