Stephen E. Arnold: Search Big Data Flim-Flam – And One Open Source Search of Compressed Files with SQL (RainStor)

Search and Big Data: Been There, Done That Is the use of search to find information in large collections of content revolutionary? Er, no. What about using search to locate an Internet Protocol address in a repository of monitored email traffic? Er, no. With the chatter on LinkedIn and the vacuous news releases from some …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Round Two – Diego Garcia Chartering Cargo Ship Designed for Mass Body Transport?

New Evidence That Flight 370 Was Diverted To US Military Base US Navy Cargo Ship Only Used To Carry People Or Bodies Further evidence has emerged which may support the theory that Malaysian jetliner 370 and its 239 missing passengers and crew were taken to the US military base of Diego Garcia, located to the south …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elasticsearch: 70:30 Odds as the Next Big Thing in Search — and Open Source Tool to Boot

Elasticsearch: 70:30 Odds as the Next Big Thing in Search We learned on March 26, 2014  suggesting that the German search vendor Intrafind has been looking for the next big thing. The company may have found it, and we expect that this low profile vendor will be plugging into the Elasticsearch power cable. Wikipedia already …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Management – A Work in Progress

Open Source Management: A Work in Progress I have attended a couple of “open source” events over the year. Most of the attendees are male, serious, bright, and similar to the fellows in my advanced high school math class and our math club. The few women present were notable because there were so darned few …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Is Yesterday: Apps, Not Search, the Future – Comment by Robert Steele

Google Is Yesterday: Apps, Not Search, the Future I read “Google Searches for role in App Age.” This is a for fee item, so you will need to pony up money or buy a copy of the dead tree edition of the March 10, 2014, Wall Street Journal. If you have a WSJ account, here’s …

Nik Peachey: Curriculet Interation Tool for Digital Text

This looks like a very useful tool to create interaction around digital books and texts. The site also has an LMS to track students responses to any quizzes or learning objects teachers design. Curriculet’s digital reading platform allows teachers to enrich reading by embedding their questions, quizzes and rich media directly into the reading. Learn …