Jean Lievens: Francine Mestrum on Promoting the Social Commons

Francine Mestrum on Promoting the Social Commons “All major international development organisations, from the World Bank over the ILO and the European Commission, plan to promote social protection in all developing countries. This may seem bizarre, since, at the same time, social protection mechanisms are being dismantled in the region where they first came about: …

Jean Lievens: End of Money – No More Private Banking…

Heteconomist’s critique of Positive Money’s proposals “The real question to me is not whether private banks should be allowed to create money through the lending process, but whether – and to what extent – there should be private banking at all. Nationalized banking, at least the nationalization of big banking, should be considered, in my …

Jean Lievens: Interview with Rene Ramirez on Bio-Socialism (Buen Vivir) versus Marxist Socialism

Interview with Rene Ramirez on the Socialism of Buen Vivir – P2P Foundation * “Why should the socialism of buen vivir be considered a bio-socialism? What characterizes it identifies it and makes it unique from the socialism conceived of by the classics—Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and Lenin? The socialism of buen vivir is a pact …

Jean Lievens: Essay of the Day: The Peer Production of Large-Scale Networked Protests

Essay of the Day: The Peer Production of Large-Scale Networked Protests * Special Journal Issue: Organization in the crowd: peer production in large-scale networked protests. By W. Lance Bennett, Alexandra Segerberg & Shawn Walker. Information, Communication & Society. Volume 17, Issue 2, 2014, pages 232-260. Special Issue: The Networked Young Citizen. From the Abstract: “How …

Jean Lievens: 21 Technologies That Will Decentralize the World

21 Technologies That Will Decentralize the World Across the planet, new technologies and business models are decentralizing power and placing it in the hands of communities and individuals. “We are seeing technology-driven networks replacing bureacratically-driven hierarchies,” says VC and futurist Fred Wilson, speaking on what to expect in the next ten years. View the entire …