Robert Steele: Can Thomson Reuters [or Bloomberg] Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain?

Can TR Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain? As delivered to TR executives on 18 February 2016. There is no evidence anyone brought this memorandum to the attention of the TR CEO. It merits comment that when Michael Bloomberg was Mayor of New York, he answered my letter and hence got it — all …

Hal Berghel: Secretocracy

Secretocracy Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Secretocracy is an insidious, anti-democratic form of government sustained by secrecy and defined by an ill-informed body politic. Securocrats, and the military–industrial complex that feeds on them, increasingly use computing technology to prevent the electorate from accessing complete information. PDF (5 Pages): Secretocracy Full text below the …

Robert Steele: Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies in Singularity Weblog

Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies Robert Steele on February 1, 2016 in SingularityWeblog The current fads Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) are hot current fads. Both technologies have been a long time in gestation. The ramp-up has taken decades. The current bet – one I do not agree with – is that …

Robert Steele: Saving Civilization – Time & Truth Matter

Short URL: The tide has clearly turned against the techno-financial paradigm that disregards natural capital costs and exploits the 99% in favor of the 1%. Even a few billionaires have figured this out. Time, however, is not on our side, nor is truth easy to find in today’s severely corrupt information environment where all …

EVENT: 20 Jan 2016 London Call for Papers Decentralizing the Commons and the Internet

Call for Papers: Decentralizing the Commons These centralized choke-points can be used by governments to increase surveillance (as disclosed by the Snowden revelations), to blackout the Internet (e.g. Egypt, Syria, or San Francisco’s BART), or to restrict the activities of activist organizations (such as Wikileaks). It has now become clear that it is not enough to develop free/libre/open …

Yoda: Matt McAlister on Need for $1B Journalism Fund

Google and Facebook as the dark force… Silicon Valley should follow Google and create a $1bn journalism fund Matt McAlister of The Guardian EXTRACT Europe has assumed the role of digital media regulator in the apparent absence of a moral compass within these platforms that exert increasing influence over our lives.