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Gregory Kulacki: DSB Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform + Strong Comment

Defense Science Board Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform Gregory Kulacki Union of Concerned Scientists, 28 January 2013 About the author: Gregory has lived and worked in China for the better part of the last twenty-five years facilitating exchanges between academic, governmental, and professional organizations in both countries. Since joining the Union of Concerned …

4th Media: Wayne Madsen – US Counterintelligence Locked Down to Protect Zionist Penetrations?

Wayne Madsen via 4th Media In an interview with the reactionary right-wing Fox News network, former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey said U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden «should be prosecuted for treason. If convicted by a jury of his peers, he should be hanged by his neck until he is dead». Woolsey, …

Steve Aftergood: Orgs ask DNI to Preserve Access to World News Connection — Comment on OSC in AF by Robert Steele

ORGS ASK DNI TO PRESERVE ACCESS TO WORLD NEWS CONNECTION More than a dozen professional societies and public interest groups wrote to the Director of National Intelligence last week to ask him to preserve public access to foreign news reports gathered, translated and published by the Open Source Center and marketed to subscribers through the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Languages Supported by Google Translate Increase — But Not Farsi, Dari, or Pashto

Languages Supported by Google Translate Increase The article on eweek titled Google Translate Adds Support for More World Languages announces Google’s addition of nine languages to its service, making the total number 80 languages. These included several African languages spoken in Nigeria, Somalia and South Africa. There are motions in progress to add Mongolian, Nepali, …

Stephen Aftergood: White House Sets New Goals for Open Government

WHITE HOUSE SETS NEW GOALS FOR OPEN GOVERNMENT In a new Open Government National Action Plan that was released today, the White House affirmed its support for open government values, and set an agenda for the remainder of the current Administration. “The new plan includes a wide range of actions the Administration will take over …

Chuck Spinney: The Intellectual and Political Foundations of 21st Century Jihad Sayyid Qutub’s Fundamentalism and Abu Bakr Naji’s Jihadism

My friend, Bill Polk, a distinguished historian specializing in the Middle East, is busily writing a series of extended essays aimed at increasing our understanding of the conflict in Syria and, by extension, our seemingly  perpetual war with the Islamic world.  I posted the first part of this series, collectively entitled Understanding Syria, on 8 …