Worth a Look: The Golden Hour and Rebalancing the Instruments of National Power

As we begin winding down in Iraq, many years after General Garner had us lined up to exit without destroying the Golden Hour, and as we reflect on Afghnaistan, which we also lost by refusing Charlie Wilson’s urgent pleas to continue the money after the Soviet left, but earmarked for schools, water, and other necessary …

Review: JFK and the Unspeakable–Why He Died & Why It Matters

Stake in the Heart of National Security State September 28, 2009 James W. Douglas The premise is that JFK went against the national security establishment, notably the CIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the military-industrial complex, and was assassinated by deliberate plan of the CIA, with Richard Helms, David Atlee Philips, David Sanchez Morales, …