Berto Jongman: Atrocties Etcetera – Continued Focus on Ukraine 1.5

AFGHANISTAN: US Scholar Dies in Kabul Restaurant Attack CLIMATE: 3 6 9 world – Davos hits panic button wimps out with carbon tax CULTURE: US Foreign Policy Idealists versus Realists CYBER CRIME: DarkList Aims To Be The ‘Yelp’ Of Silk-Road-Style Drug Dealers CYBER DIPLOMACY: Sweden’s early adopter foreign minister on crafting digital diplomacy CYBER: France’s …

4th Media: The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It

The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It Syria Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, who headed his country’s official delegation to Geneva II, called at the opening session of the conference on a collective confrontation against terrorism and on starting a national dialogue in Damascus, SANA reported. By Walid al-Moallem – Syria …

Stephen E. Arnold: Drone Identification Guide – Symbol of Today’s World

Identify Drones from Below with this Handy Guide A guide brought to our attention by Popular Science highlights the dilemma of living in areas where drones of unknown origin may fly above you, your loved ones, or your home at any time. Reporter Kelsey D. Atherton shares “A Guide to Spotting and Hiding from Drones” …

Worth A Look: Manufactured Crisis – The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

Gareth Porter Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare Manufactured Crisis provides unique and timely background to the ongoing diplomacy around Iran’s nuclear technology program. In it, award-winning investigative journalist Gareth Porter offers a well documented critique of the official ‘western’ account of what the Iranian government has been doing, and why. …

David Swanson: The Blind Alley of J Street and Liberal American Zionism

The Blind Alley of J Street and Liberal American Zionism By Abba A. Solomon and Norman Solomon Since its founding six years ago, J Street has emerged as a major Jewish organization under the banner “Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace.” By now J Street is able to be a partial counterweight to AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs …