Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) — a Nordic Manifesto

This is what I am taking to the Nordics. Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Robert D. Steele, Earth Intelligence Network Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) is affordable, inter-operable, and scalable to the five billion poor now neglected by industrial-era engineers. Data-driven, a design revolution could enable the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) within …

Pre-Order: General Mike Flynn on The Field of Fight – How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies

TO BE RELEASED 12 JULY 2016 PRE-ORDER NOW — Appears Discounted Ten years ago we found evidence that al-Qaeda was far more organized and adept than we had previously given them credit for. It took us nearly that long to locate and execute their leader, Osama bin Laden, and we are far from finished. Al-Qaeda …

Robert Steele: Democracy Riots – We are all black now, deal with it! (Trump Revolution 02)

Democracy Riots We are all black now, deal with it. Robert David Steele Short URL: The only people actually inciting violence at Donald Trump rallies are the organized agitators, including convicted felon and terrorist Bill Ayers, who are violating – with malice aforethought – the First Amendment rights of the participants in these private …

Daniel Araya: The Promise of Bitcoin (and Blockchain) – An Interview with Andreas M. Antonopoulos

The Promise of Bitcoin: An Interview With Andreas M. Antonopoulos My recent interview with Andreas M. Antonopoulos, information security expert and tech-entrepreneur, and the author of “Mastering Bitcoin”.  EXTRACT: 2. Bitcoin is simultaneously a currency, a financial asset, and a technology protocol. Underlying bitcoin is the blockchain, a distributed public ledger. For people who are not …

DefDog: US Treason? – Did Johnson, McNamara, Rusk Provide North Viet-Nam with Target List One Day in Advance — Every Single Day?

Following is a quote of much interest, from pages 246/247 of The Secret War and Other Conflicts by General Pete Piotrowski, published in 2014. “Nearly twenty years later, former Secretary of State Dean Rusk being interviewed by Peter Arnett on a CBC documentary called ‘The Ten Thousand Day War.’ Mr Arnett asked, ‘It has been …

Ty Simpson: USG Acknowledgess Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

Government-Run Cancer Institute Quietly Acknowledges That Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells The National Cancer Institute is an organization mandated by U.S. law to educate Americans about cancer and the latest research efforts. According to its website, NCI is touted as “the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research.” And recently, it quietly admitted that cancer cells …