Robert Steele: How the Deep State controls social media and digitally assassinates critics – #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy (Trump Revolution 17)

How the Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy SHORT URL (AHT Published Version): Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 7 November 2017 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) This is a speculative account based on …

Mongoose: President Trump Is Being Lied to About Africa and Everything Else….

Phi Beta Iota: Niger is about Western looting backed by US force. Our President is being lied to by everyone from across the military-intelligence-industrial-financial complex. Closing all our bases overseas, bringing back all our troops without exception, is the fastest way to achieve world peace and prosperity for the 99%. To do that he must …

Robert Steele: Zion in Shiksa-Land – Harvey Weinstein First Major Jewish Pedophilia Domino in the USA (Trump Revolution 16)

Zion in Shiksa-Land Harvey Weinstein – First Major Jewish Pedophile Domino in the USA Robert David Steele From Benjamin Fulford to Tim Luongo to Charles Huge Smith, it is clear that Harry Weinstein is not just “shlonged,” to use Donald Trump’s verbing of a noun, but he is taking the entire Zionist encampment in America …

Robert Steele: Las Vegas False Flag a Hybrid (Innocent Drill, Rogue Mass Murder Unit)? UPDATE 23 Paddock Girlfriend Worked for FBI

I have no direct knowledge. I do, however, have some understanding of false flag operations, media influence operations, covert operations, and high-level political and financial crime networks. Las Vegas appears to be a classic false flag operation with both financial  and political aspects. UPDATE 23: 25 August 2018. Feds Scramble as Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly …

Robert Steele & Cynthia McKinney: Former Representative and Intelligence Official Team Up to Unrig Elections

Former Representative and Intelligence Official Team Up to Unrig Elections by #UNRIG in Electoral Reform Sep 26, 2017 Independent Voter Network (IVN) God bless Bernie Sanders. God bless Donald Trump. God bless the 26% that voted for Hillary Clinton, and God bless the 47% that did not vote at all. Today, former US Rep. Cynthia …