Robert Steele: Itemization of Information Pathologies

In support of the Berkman Center’s conference on truthness, below is an extract from THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Book / Evolver Edition, 5 June 2012). EXTRACT: I now realize that neither governments nor corporations are “fixed” obstacles. In a world of constantly changing information, it is …

David Swanson: Nobel Peace Prize in Toilet – Pressure Mounts to Rescind Obama Award and Clean Up the Entire Process

Petition: Investigate Betrayal of the Nobel Peace Prize Dear Members of Stockholm’s County Administrative Board: The signers of this petition include an array of peace groups and peace activists based in the United States.   The undersigned wish to endorse and support the investigation that Stockholm’s County Administrative Board has reportedly begun based on it supervisory …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Ground Truth vs. US Media

Syria:  Special comment: Over the weekend, news video footage from Homs, the so-called center of the opposition uprising, raised questions about the actual effectiveness of the opposition. The videos showed Syrian police, firefighters and militia using fire hoses to disperse a major opposition rally in Homs. So who controls Homs? Apparently the government does, with …

Chuck Spinney: Climate Models – Got Real Data?

The acid test of any scientific theory is whether or not its predictions reasonably match up to reality. The attached paper by Dr. David Evans is important because it compares predictions of climate models predicting global warming to our most advanced temperature measurement technologies. This is a good example of the kind of information that …