Academic Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2003 US Academic Andregg State of the Academic Tribe (Slides) 2003 US Academic Andregg State of the Academic Tribe (Text) 2003 US Academic Pak & Zadanowicz Estimate of Lost Tax Revenues (Text) 2003 US Academic Pak & Zadanowicz Transfer Pricing Import-Export Tax Avoidance Fraud ($50B/Year in US) 1999 US Academic Lepingwell Center for Nonproliferation Studies, …

Reference: Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) Number 301: National Open Source Enterprise

Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment (DOI: 11 August 2009) This well-intentioned document is the sole surviving legacy of the first ADDNI/OS who was destined to fail for multiple reasons, not least of which was the lack of seriousness with which all three DNI’s have chosen to treat OSINT.  As best we can tell OSINT is …

Review: Database Nation –The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century (Paperback)

Quite Useful Exploration of Technology vs. Values, May 31, 2006 Simson Garfinkel I have been reading books about privacy, notably from Australia where they first got worried about this, and am an admirer of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) based in Washington, D.C. so I can say with confidence that this book is not …

Informed, Engaged, Democracy Collective Public Intelligence

May 3, 2006 Citizens Party, part II Informed, Engaged, Democracy Collective Public Intelligence By: Robert D. Steele Introduction If we want an extraordinary future for all of our children, America and Americans must embrace reality. While, as a society, we may have recently found it comfortable to ignore reality, reality is most assuredly going forward, …