2004 4 Dec Stockholm Peacekeeping Intelligence Trip Report

Recently (2007) the United Nations asked the Nordic countries, which customarily operate in a multinational multifunctional fashion (both intelligence and operations) to create a multinational multifunctional information sharing and sense-making program of instruction for the UN.  Col Jan-Inge Svensson is the lead in Sweden, and his first two offerings of the course combined with the …

2004 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future

Robert David STEELE Vivas 4 Jun 04 Keynote to International Intelligence History Association (Graz, Austria) FINAL 1.6 dated 30 May 2004 RTF 9 Pages: Steele IIHA Keynote 21st Century Intelligence FINAL RTF 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future Robert David STEELE Vivas Let me begin by paying tribute to two historians, five realists, …