Stephen E. Arnold: Pakistan Takes on #GoogleGestapo Social Media — Can A Country Be a Country in Bill Gates’s Technopia?

Social Media Versus a Nation State: Pakistan Versus the Facebook and Friends The government of Pakistan’s social media position is reflected in this passage from the article: The new set of regulations makes it compulsory for social media companies to open offices in Islamabad, build data servers to store information and take down content upon …

Mongoose: Vaccine Failures Part 1: The Glaring Problem Officials Are Ignoring

Vaccine Failures: The Glaring Problem Officials Are Ignoring. Part I: Measles Vaccination One of the primary weapons in the anti-vaccine-choice arsenal was measles hysteria—whipped up by a biased media willing to use false talking points to demonize the unvaccinated while ignoring or glossing over measles vaccination’s flawed track record. As we brace for more measles …

Michael Goodwin: Deep State snakes slither back after FBI, CIA swamp draining

Deep State snakes slither back after FBI, CIA swamp draining Intelligence gathered to keep the nation safe and protect the integrity of elections is leaked for the purpose of partisanship. That can only mean new snakes have taken the place of the old ones. Different people, same dirty tricks. . . . a look at …

Tom Luongo: Don’t Be Fooled — Time to Make All Social Media Subject to Civil Lawsuits for Censorship, Defamation, and Tortious Interference

Don’t Be Fooled by the Deplatforming of Facebook There is clear opportunity for them to be sued into submission by the millions of users whose businesses and reputations have been destroyed due to arbitrary enforcement of company rules. At the end of the day these companies create and use as excuses broad powers which have …

Robert Steele: Abolish the CIA and the FBI? Or Not?

Angelo Codevilla, who wrote a very good book that I reviewed positively, Informing Statecraft–Intelligence for a New Century, has called for the abolition of CIA. Abolish CIA & FISA Others, including myself, have called for the abolishment of the FBI, which was founded by a pedophile who pioneered political blackmail, and is  today worthless as …